Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Six Attitudes of High Achievers

The Six Attitudes of High Achievers

1. Make no small plans
   Reflection: This is a attitude of high achievers because why aim small when you want something big. It is also good because yes while you aim small you may achieve it but if you aim big and achieve you feel a whole lot better than achieving something small. A high achiever would not aim small because in what way would that help them it will just waste more time if they aim big they can do what they want at a faster pace.

Quote: " Make no little plans; They have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; Aim high in hope and work." 

3. Are willing to prepare: This is one of the attitudes of high achievers because it is good to have everything ready before the due date is near. It is also good because they can use the time one would normally use to prepare for something more productive and or do another class homework. They can have all there work done before anyone else and use the extra time to do something more useful or do an extra activity.

Quote:" Expect the best, prepare for the worst."
4. Are willing to risk failure
Reflection: This is a attitude of high achievers because if they can not risk failing then they can never be successful in life without this attribute. This is something good because with this they learn from there mistakes and can improve on themselves. It is the best thing because they will learn to be better at things that they may not have been good at. They can learn to be the best at many things because they are willing to fail to learn form those failures.

Quote: "If you want to be great, you have to be willing to risk failure. Risk it not just in some things but in all things, big or small." 
-Todd Schavrien 

5. Are teachable
Reflection: It is a attribute of high achievers because they have to be able to learn from people who know what there talking about. It is also good because it shows that they are willing to learn new things about what they want to specialize in. It is also a great thing because it show that they are willing to learn and wont wast time messing around not doing anything.

Quote: "We are looking for people who can become role models and leaders. We want people who are teachable."
-Marcus Eng. 

6. Have Heart
Reflection: This is a attribute of high achievers because if they put there heart into anything they will succeed. It is also a good thing to have because that way people will know that if you put your heart into something they know that something will come out great. It is also a bad thing because that attribute might come back and ruin you because people that do not like you can use that to there advantage and start destroying everything that is important to you ruining you mentally.
Quote:" Having a big heart is a great thing but it can also be your greatest weakness that some will abuse."

Reflection: All these attitudes are something all high achievers have in common because they help them be a better person in and out of school. It is also a good thing because with these attitudes people can become a better person and someone who other people can trust. But this attitudes also come with a risk that evil people in the world would love to manipulate. All these attitudes come with many positive outcomes but they also come with a lot of negative outcomes that can mentally and physically harm a person. But it many case the negative outcomes can be out weighed by the positive outcomes.

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