Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Way To Be

9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life  

Gordon B. Hinckley

1. Be Grateful 
Reflection: This new way to achieve happiness is talking about that we should always say thanks to the people in our life who do things for us. We should never be disrespectful to the people who sometimes sacrifice themselves so we can be happy. It also talks about how we should never take things for granted because we don't know when it will be taking away from us. I can't believe how many things us people take for granted in this life but I know that there are a lot of things I take for granted and thinking about makes me upset and sad because I don't know what will be the last day I ever see them so it also shows us to live every moment like it could be the last. Because in this world that we live in we just don't know when it will be are last.

Quote: " Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have."
2. Be Smart 
Reflection: We need to be smart so were are not taking advantage of. It  is also good to be smart because if we are smart we have a better chance at understanding something that other people are still not able to understand. Being smart not only means be book smart but also street smart which means we know how the people on the streets act and the places to avoid. They also say that the difference between a smart person and a dumb person the smart person will see there mistake and change because of it and a dumb person will always make that same mistake.

Quote: "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."

3. Be Involved in Good Works
Reflection: We need to be involved in good works so we can gain a sense of accomplishment. Also to show that we are willing to waste are time doing something that may not even matter in the long run. When we could have done something that could  of made our own future better. But it does help by us learning how to work responsible and at a better rate.

Quote: " I will help others and build the kingdom through righteous service." 

4. Be Clean 
Reflection: Being clean is a good thing because no one want to be walking around all filthy and sticky and other things. It is also nice because a employer will want someone who can represent the company in a good way and create a good image that people can see and just make them want to go and buy whatever the company is selling. It is also nice to be clean because others will think of you in a better light.
Quote: "Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window which you must see the world."
-George Bernard Shaw

5. Be True
Reflection: Being true is a good thing because you won't be lying to yourself and the important people in your life. It is also a good trait so other people will have a better time believing in the stories you tell. It is good so we know that we have not told anyone a lie. It is good so that you can also believe in yourself and be true to who you are not the person you want to be. Being true is also a good quality because then people will believe you not just put you down for the lies you have made.
Quote: " Love doesn't need to be perfect; it just needs to be true."

6. Be Positive
Reflection: Being positive is a good thing because we our mood can change the way we live are life. A person with a positive attitude can go through out the day without stopping and will probably make others around them happy. It is also good to be positive because being negative will just put you down and make you feel unhappy and depressed. Having a positive attitude is a great thing because then you wont have to see the reality of the world and how dark it really is because that is what the world is it is a dark, disgusting, lustful, hating, and underhanded place.

Quote: "Think positive, Be positive and positive things will happen."

7. Be Humble
Reflection: Being humble is a good thing because with being humble people while act the same way. Being humble is also a good thing because it will show how to treat other people. It is also good because with it other people will want to hire or be around you a lot more because of how you act. I will try being more humble in my life by showing other people a good treatment. 
Quote: "Nothing in life is permanent, Be Humble."

8. Be Still 
Reflection: Be still is to know that I am God. Or so says Psalm 46:10. What I believe this means to be patient which is a good things because we this skill we can wait on good things to happen. This is also good because we can wait things out and not be inpatient. But this could also be bad because what if you wait to long and something incredibly bad happens to you because of it. This could also be bad because you could become a pacifist which is both good and bad it is bad because you could get to a point where people just trample over you. It could be good to be a pacifist because of the anti violence approach.

Quote: " Be still is to know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

9. Be Prayerful
Final Reflection: The 9 ways to be happy was a great source of writing because it helped me think about life a lot more than I usually do. It also helped me express some of my deeper thought on paper rather than out loud. This post was great because it also caused me to think more about the reflection than I would have in the past. It also caused me to reflect on my life something that I have not done in a long time. Some of the ways I can commit to do the 9 ways are to be positive about how life is and to stop thinking negative thoughts.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Personal Development Attribute : Commitment


Commitment: The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

Quote: " There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something you do it only when its convenient. When you're committed to something you accept no excuses; only results."

Reflection: This quote is try to say that the biggest difference between interest and commitment. Is when you are interested in something only because you can gain something from it. When you are committed to a cause you only want results not anything else.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Personal Development Quote

Personal Development Quote

"The key to freedom is obedience.The more obedient we are,the more freedom we have."  -Boyd K. Packer 

An attribute in this quote is obedience.

Reflection: I disagree with this quote and attribute because it is just a very wrong way to think. It is wrong because if we all think this way the governments can just do whatever the hell they want to there people. They will most likely try to get rid of all the laws that help the 99% and start creating laws that will help the 1% which is what we don't need. The attribute is also wrong because if we are obedient it is like we are just animals that the government can control and make do whatever they want. This world does not need more people like that this world need people who are willing to do the right thing to make this world a better place we do not need people who will follow every word there government says when we all know that what they say is a lie. If people who truly believe in this quote exist then they are letting people who literally kill there own people win. We need people who are willing to put there life for a greater cause not people who will let other rule there every waking moment. This quote does not relate to our life planning goals because our goal are things we want to do and if we are obedient little puppies we can never complete are life planning goals.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Personal Development Attribute: A Smile

A Smile 

A smile is a good attribute because it can give off a friendly attitude. It also shows to people that you are not shy around others and that you can interact well with others without being to withdrawn. 

" A smile can mean a thousand words but it can also hide a thousand problems." Hannah Jane Carpiso 

Reflection: This quote is saying that while a smile can be a very good thing because it can show how we feel around others it can also be a bad thing because it can also hide a lot of problems we don't want other people to know about. An example can be say a girl who just always smiles can be facing life threatening problems at home because of depression or an abusive home where she has to take care of herself.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Personal Development Attribute: Responsible


Responsible: Having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role. Being the primary cause of something and so able to be blamed or credited for it.

Reflection: This is an attribute every person in the world should have because it makes us better. It makes us better because we learn to care for all the things we have of importance it also shows to always be early to care for a person we may or may not know. An example would be caring for the elderly what if you are not responsible enough and they end up dying because you were careless. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

September 11,2001

911 Memorial

September 11, 2001 was a tragic day for the United States because on this day the Twin Towers in New York were targeted by terrorist. There were 4 planes that targeted key locations in American two went to The World Trade Center and hit the Twin Towers the third plane went and hit the pentagon in Washington D.C. and the final airplane was planing on hitting Camp David where the President stays at during holidays. My first memory of the attacks was when I was in school and the teachers told what happened there. At that time I did not know the importance of this event but after the years passed I learned it significance.

Reflection: My thought on this subject are that it was one of the worst things that has happened on American soil. I feel that we needed this as a wake up call so we won't always feel safe in our home which is how it is supposed to be since this world is a cruel place. Now just because I said that does not mean I support this in fact I feel saddened by this for all the families that might have been destroyed but that is how the world works.

" Decisions Determine Destiny"

"Decisions Determine Destiny"

Attribute: A attribute in this quote is decisions.

Reflection: The attribute in this quote being decisions is talking about how in your whole live the decisions you make will affect how your life will play out. The quote is talking about how are destiny is not predetermined. It says that only the decisions we make in our day to day life determine our destiny.An example of this is say a person decides to not graduate from high school that person will most likely live a life a poverty were he or she struggles to pay her bills. Now lets say another person decides to stay in high school and further there education now that person has a much higher chance to live a good life where he can do things other people can.

This relates to our 100+ Life Planning Goals because with these goals we now know what were are striving for.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015



Caring: Displaying kindness and concern for others. The work or practice of looking after those unable to care for themselves, especially sick and elderly people.

Quote: " Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have." -Margaret Mead 

Reflection: This quote is saying that the few caring people who do exist in this world have changed it more than other people. It is also saying that do not believe that a few caring people can not change the world for they already have.An example of this quote is Martian Luther King Jr. who changed the way whites view African Americans in turn earning the end of segregation. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015



Boldness: Not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring.

Quote: "The doors will be open to those who are bold enough to knock" 

Reflection: This quote is saying that any and all door will open for you if you have the courage to knock and open the door. What this quote is saying is that the doors to a better future or a career can be opened only if you are bold enough to just knock. An example is that if you want something be bold and do it and do not give in to your fear of not being able to accomplish your goal.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015



Attitude: A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.

Quote: " It is your attitude, not your aptitude,that determines your altitude." Zig Ziglar

Reflection: This quote is saying that your attitude is what determines how high you can reach in live. This makes sense because of you have a good attitude people may be prone to like you better. An example is say my attitude gains me a friend who is really well off he may invite me to something of his choice.