Monday, January 25, 2016

The 7 habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of  Highly Effective People
By:Stephen R. Covey 

Habit 1: Be Proactive 
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says"I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude.I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."
Reflection: To be proactive is to be cool, calm and think things through. It is also a person who can take a lot of mental stress and still come out on top and someone who knows what they want and is willing to work to that goal. It is also someone who will not falter when things go wrong but will continue to work to make things better than they are at the moment in time.It is also a seen in a person who will work hard for what he need or wants in life.Many people in this world want to be proactive but are instead reactive because with even the smallest amount of pressure they explode.

Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will"(Jack Welch)
Reflection: To begin with the end in mind means that before you make any decisions that may affect your future , think about what effect it could at the end not of the effects from the beginning or the middle but with the end result. This is a good habit to pick up because most people commit the error of only seeing the initial benefit of there future action instead of the most likely ending to the future action that he or she is going to do. Most people that keep this habit in mind will always see every action that they will do in to different ways one they start with the end and then they move to the start. It is an excellent habit to pick up since you can see if a plan that you already have in mind will work or if it will fail and you can scrape the ideas that have a terrible end before you waste time thinking about the entire plan. 

Habit 3: Put first things first
"Organize and execute around priorities."
Reflection: This is saying to put things that are more important than other things on the front of your to do list. It is also referring to the habits themselves because certain habits must go first in order so that the other habits can work properly.With this habit in mind items of priority will now be more clear for you to see and you can accomplish all of your goals.To put things first one must be able to know what they need to accomplish now and want can be accomplished at a later date. 

Habit 4:Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."
Reflection:This habit is important because many people don't think like that they just do they don't think about the side effects that one action can cause. What this habit is saying is to not only think about the short term success but to think about the short and long term success. This is what many people now a days don't think about the long term affects which is what ends up making there life a little worse that it should be. 

Habit 5:Seek Fist to Understand then to be understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."
Reflection: This habits is telling us that we must understand what we are doing first before we can be understood. It is also saying that before a person can understand you, you have to understand them first.You can't rush into things without knowing what it is that you are doing then you can be understood by other people who share the same interest as you.

Habit 6:Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
Reflection:To synergize is to be able to find new solutions to old problems. It is also a habit that is does not happen on its own but with teamwork and with everybody solving the problems together. It is a great habit to have because you can get more things done with two people than you can just by yourself. It is also the idea that not just one single person can do everything that all tasks are done better when there are a multitude of people working together. 
Habit 7:Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal:Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional
Reflection:This is saying to always be on the top of your game to never let your self rust or decay to always stay ready for a moments notice.It is stating that as long as you keep yourself sharpened be it physically or mentally you are gonna be fine in life because you will always be prepared for the twist and turns in life. 

Reflection:I am willing to try the majority of the seven habits mainly because the habits I am planing on doing do not go against what I believe but the one I will not do are because I believe I can't do them or they go against my own believes.The only exception to this is habit seven since I am willing to do everything except sharping the spiritual aspect of myself. But the ones that I am planing on trying out are mainly going to be done here in school or at home some may even be tried out in public but at a later date since I have confidence issues. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People

Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People

Technique 1.Don't criticize people.
Reflection: It is a bad thing to criticize people who you do not personally know for you could be wrong the entire time. It is one of the worst things to do because you don't know if you are right or wrong you just do it because you can and the way you criticize people may make them feel unwanted and they could fall into depression just because you were insensitive. It is also the worst feeling when you are  being criticized because you may know that some of the things they are saying are false but you don't want to say anything.

Quote:"If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive."

Technique 2.Give honest and sincere appreciation
Reflection: To give honest and sincere appreciation is like showing someone that you honestly listen to them when they talk and that they are important enough for you to be honest and sincere with instead of trying to come up with lies to not hurt them. It is also a great feeling when someone is being honest and sincere with you because it show that you matter to them. But you have to know when it is time to be honest and sincere because there are times when a person need you to lie to them even if they don't say it to your face. This is important to keep in mind because what you can say might hurt them more than just a simple white lie and at times it is the best to just tell a simple white lie so that the people that you are close with won't be hurt by what you say.

Quote:"The big secret in dealing with people."

Technique 3:Arouse in the other person an eager want.
Reflection: Using this technique you have to be a really well trained person because it takes knowing what the person want and how to put it in a way they can understand what you are trying to say. It is also a great thing because you can use it to benefit not only the person you are dealing with but yourself as well.

Quote:"He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot. walks a lonely way."

Final Reflection: These techniques are a good way to learn how to handle a person. It is also a good way to learn how not to mess up when you are talking with a person you want to get to know or don't want to lose a friend. It is also important to know this so you don't make errors when trying to handle talking to people. I will use these techniques in my everyday life from now on because they can be used for a huge variety of real world applications.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

School Break Days

This winter break I only did a handful of things since my family didn't have the money to do anything extravagant for the holidays. The things I did where go and watch the new Star Wars movie with my friends and I also re watched it with my mom. I also stayed at home and played with my brand new Xbox One. The games I played where Star Wars Battlefront, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, and a game by the name of Smite. The majority of the games fall under the category of FPS which stands for First Person Shooters, now the last game Smite falls under a category of games called MOBAs  which stands for multiplayer online battle arena they are also called ARTS which stands for action real-time strategy. In these games you control a single unit on one side of a team. I only met a few people on my break but none that are worth mentioning. The big movie I watched over my break was the new Star Wars movie which in my opinion is one of the best movies I had watched in all of 2015 the story was all around good but it did leave the audience with many questions unanswered, but overall it was a great movie and way better than the prequels. That is all I did in my winter break.