Friday, September 11, 2015

September 11,2001

911 Memorial

September 11, 2001 was a tragic day for the United States because on this day the Twin Towers in New York were targeted by terrorist. There were 4 planes that targeted key locations in American two went to The World Trade Center and hit the Twin Towers the third plane went and hit the pentagon in Washington D.C. and the final airplane was planing on hitting Camp David where the President stays at during holidays. My first memory of the attacks was when I was in school and the teachers told what happened there. At that time I did not know the importance of this event but after the years passed I learned it significance.

Reflection: My thought on this subject are that it was one of the worst things that has happened on American soil. I feel that we needed this as a wake up call so we won't always feel safe in our home which is how it is supposed to be since this world is a cruel place. Now just because I said that does not mean I support this in fact I feel saddened by this for all the families that might have been destroyed but that is how the world works.

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