Thursday, June 9, 2016
Class Evaluation
- The things I liked about this class was that I was able to learn about coding.
- What I didn't like about this class was nothing everything was enjoyable.
- I have no recommendations for improving the class.
- The highlight of this class was using the scratch program.
- I tried my best in this class because when I saw that something was difficult I learned more about it so that I could improve myself.
- Yes I am reading my life planning goals everyday so that I can keep my mind on finishing my goals.
- I am committed to becoming a CTR person because I believe that it will help me in the future to finish my goals.
- What I learned from this class that I will pass forward are the ways to make friends and how to lead people in working.
- I will always remember the first time I used html and when we first went on the scratch program.
Last Lecture
Student Success Statement
"You will go far with CTR."
Reflection:With CTR on my side I will go to place no one in my family ever has and I will make something out of my life and continue to help my family grow.I will carry these lesson with me at all times so that I know that CTW will only take me to a place I never want to go and that it will ruin my life with its negative influence.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is an American holiday that happens on the last Monday of May, in which we honor the men and woman who died while serving in the U.S. military. It was originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, at least, it marks the beginning of summer.Some ways of celebrating this holiday is by making a cookout with your family and praying to god and thanking all the men and woman who died while protecting the U.S.
Some ways that I will celebrate this holiday is by watching the parades on the television and when it is dinner time I will say a quick amen to the men and woman who are protecting are great nation.

Reflection:My thoughts on memorial day are that we should always honor those who fought and bleed for our country. We should be more grateful for those who died in the line of service for this nation because those are the men and woman who knew that they would never see there family and friends ever again but chose to die for this nation. While I don't like war an its a sad thing to think about all the families that don't have a parent there because they either died or at war we should always look up to these men for they are doing something that most of us in this nation won't do. My feelings about this event go out to the families of those who lost someone to a war for they have gone through a tough time while always never knowing when there loved one would die or come back until you see a man coming with a flag in his arms.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders
The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders
1.Be true to character
Reflection:To be true to your character is to be who you are no matter what and to show other people the side of you that is the real you.It is also to be able to work on difficult task and stay true to who you are.It is when all seems bad but your still able to be yourself and help out your co-workers in the struggles.With this principle you can show your co-workers that you are a person that they can trust because you can be real with them and show them who you really are and not some fake you who will just do anything they say without inputting your own opinion.
2.Use your imagination
Reflection:To use your imagination is to make it so that nothing is unreachable and that as long as you work hard you can reach your goal. It is also the thing the at helps us be the people that we are. To use your imagination is to be able to think of new things that other people can only dream of thinking and its also the way that we can express our self's
3.Apply the power of knowledge
Reflection:To apply the power of knowledge is to use everything you know about a subject and accomplish it. Its to use your knowledge on a everyday bases and to continue learning.This is to be used at all times so that you can accomplish your goals at a greater rate than ever before.
4.Never Give Up
Reflection:To never give up is something many other people should follow since there are so many ideas that are just forgotten just because someone thought it was a good idea to give up. Well giving up is never something good because its showing that you failed at something when you could have just worked harder at it and accomplished you goal.To give up is telling your family and friends that backed you up that they were wrong that you could not accomplish what you set out to do.
5.Find peace and balance
Reflection:To find peace and balance is to find something that makes you complete this could be in the form of a person or a thing.When a person finds this they will be the best person they can be because they won't feel hate or anger at a person but understanding and they will be able to get through the toughest challenges without a problem.
6.Live the Golden Rule
Reflection:Living the golden rule is an important thing because it is the right thing to do and its the most important rule that we as humans can follow.While following this rule you can't go wrong while following it. The golden rule is important because almost every major religion has one that there followers follow.This is the one rule that many people follow because it can change so much depending on your religion.
7.Build and maintain trust
Reflection: To build trust is an important thing because with this when can make it so that the people that are in our life know that if they have a problem they can trust us to talk about it.Maintaining trust is one of the hardest things to do because just the smallest mistake can cause it to vanish in an instant. To maintain the trust of another person one would need to tell the truth to the person that they want to maintain there trust with and try not to be a bad person to them and help them out in there time of need.
8.Quick to listen slow to wrath
Reflection:This is that someone will listen to things and want it over quickly but will be slow to understand it. This could be a bad thing because someone could say something bad and the other person takes a long time to understand it and by the time that do it would be to late for them to do anything about it.This works the same with many things like say that you have a friend or family member that is injured but it takes for ever for you to respond that could put the person in a lot of danger.
9.Lead with vision
Reflection:To lead with vision is to lead with a goal already in mind and to have what you what to accomplish before doing anything. This is the best way to lead because this way you already know what you want to accomplish before anything is started up. I will try doing this in the future by always having what I want to do in my mind.
10.Manage with a plan
Reflection:To manage with a plan is to have a plan ready for use. Now this plan could be for anything as long as you have one that is what matter because with a plan you already know what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. But don't always follow the plan be ready to make changes to the plan because as a man once said no plan survives contact with the enemy and it is also true here and the enemy of this plan is those people that want to see you fail.
11.Do what matters the most
Reflection:To do what matters the most is a good thing to remember because that way we can have our priorities setup straight and know what must be done first.This is also a good thing to keep in mind for when you are in a relationship because if you forget special events in your relationship well boy are you in trouble with your partner.Also I will start doing this in my life by having a planner to be able to mark what is more important than other things.
12.Be accountable
Reflection:To be accountable is to have a responsibility on your shoulders that means that if something goes wrong under you watch or someone is injured that the responsibility of what happens falls on you not on anyone else.This is an important thing because not many people want to accept this but this is something that comes with being a leader you have to be ready to take the blame because the people under you were under your care and supervision so there actions fall unto you not unto them.This is why so many leaders fail because they don't do this and later there followers leave them in the dust because they aren't taking charge for things that happen when they lead.
Reflection:These principles where helpful because they showed me things people who are successful use to get to where they got.This also showed me that there are a lot of things that those who are in charge of big corporations have many things to worry about other than if the company stays afloat.I will try and show people this so they can implement some of these techniques into there careers and hopefully become someone successful in live.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Ten Tips for Being More Truthful
Ten Tips for Being More Truthful
1.Make a commitment to tell the truth
2.Tell someone about your commitment
Reflection:To make a commitment is to make something that you will follow even when you don't want to do it anymore. And to make a commitment to tell the truth is to make one where no matter how much you want to lie you must not and you must confess the truth.I will follow this tip by not quitting on my Japaneses class even though it may be getting harder I will tough it out because I promised my mom I wouldn't quit.By telling someone your commitment that person can help you to follow it so you don't brake that commitment. A person can also help you by giving you tips on how to stay focused on the commitment you set for yourself. I will be telling my mom about my commitment and see what advice she can give me on not giving up.
3.Think before you give a dishonest answer
Reflection:Thinking before you give a dishonest answer is important because then we can make sure that the people we are talking with can have there question answered and they would know that it was the right one. It is also important because it is a way for us to help people and we also want to be helped and the only way that can happen is with a honest answer. It is the most important things to keep in mind that people in this world will be more friendlier and may even look up to you if you help them with the correct answer. I will follow this tip by telling my parents
4.Be careful when and how you use exaggeration sarcasm, or irony
Reflection:You have to be careful when talking with someone because if your story seems to far of from the truth then the person you are talking with will think you are being dishonest. This is important because if this person believes that you are not telling the truth they may start to no trust you and will be more reserved when talking to you. It is important that when you are talking with someone that you are honest and give them a truthful answer.
6.Don't indulge in little white lies.
Reflection:It is a great thing to not indulge in little white lies because now you are a part of a lie that could possible get bigger as time goes.The best thing about this is that it is telling you the truth because even the tinniest of lies could hurt someone because it could give them false confidence when you know that they shouldn't do what they want to do.These little white lies may not seem like much put they can really affect someone who honestly trust your opinion or to someone that thinks that you would never lie to them.
7.Watch out for silent lies.
Reflection: A silent lie is when you lie without actually noticing that you are lying. These are a form a dishonesty because it kind of shows that you don't care about the person you are talking with and that you think very little of them. It is also a bad thing because when a person find out they are gonna be mad that you thought so little of them to lie without actually knowing you lied to them.
8.When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
Reflection:This means that as soon as you notice that you are lying take back the statement that you made and rectify your mistake. It is also a way for you to learn how to learn when you are lying which is good because then you know when you are lying and can stop yourself in the future. Its also important to catch yourself so you don't make a big error and people can learn to trust you more. With this in mind I am gonna try and use this technique in my everyday life so that I can stop lying to people.
9.Talk to yourself
Reflection:Talking to yourself is a good things because it lets us express our ideas in a safe environment. It also helps because we can practice what we are gonna tell someone before we tell them.It is a helpful tool for us to let us be ourselves because we can show our real self to our self without the fear of being criticized.It can help us prepare for a important meeting be trying to rid ourselves of the stress that will come with it.
10.Treat yourself when you tell the truth
Reflection:Telling the truth is a big thing because you are leaving your norm by being a honest person and telling the person that you are talking to the truth.Its the best thing to do because if you treat yourself you are giving yourself an incentive to continue telling the truth.Some ways to treat yourself is by giving yourself a longer break or by buying something for yourself that you really like.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
10 Keys to Personal Power
10 Keys to Personal Power
Brain Tracy
1. Clarity
"Have vision.Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."
Reflection: Clarity is the idea of being able to see everything in life in a clear perspective and to not have anything blind you to what is really there. Many people perceive to have clarity but are yet fooled to what is placed in front of them. For true clarity you have to look at everything not just at the things you think are hidden. A man once said "How do you hide something from greatest detective, well by placing it right in front of him." That is what most people forget to do they are so busy looking for evidence or for something in many different places but don't look at what is right in front of there face and miss everything. Now what is it that they miss well it could be evidence, it could even be something like missing you're children's life now that is something you don't want to miss. So always look at the big picture not at the just at the little detail but at the whole things and that is what clarity is.
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself"is this the best use of my time?"before you start anything."
Reflection:This key is showing us that by concentrating we can make better use of our time we spend each day and we can do more things at a faster rate if we concentrate on what we are doing. It is true that before you do anything you should ask yourself is this really worth my time if it is not then why do it when you can do something that actually is worth your time something that will help you in the future. This is a excellent concept to keep in mind because it can help us prioritize everything in our live and we can live a more complete and happy life instead of a boring one in where one mistake can cause us everything we have worked for.
4.Common Sense
Train your mind.Thinks things through.Listen to your intuition.Learn from setbacks.
Reflection: To use common sense is to be able to think about something and think about the good and negative effects that it can bring. It is also to be able to learn from the mistakes you have made in the past and the mistakes you will make in the future. It is also to be able to concentrate on multiple things and still be able to chose the right thing to do. Finally it is about always trusting your instinct because it is there for a reason we may thinks that it will led to bad things but remember some of our better choices in life are made by our natural instincts.
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
Reflection: This is saying that every human us a genius in there own way it may not be the traditional type of genius but us still is a form. It is also saying that by us asking questions we become creative because like that we can learn how to think for our self's and that is the first step to creativity. The more we ask and the more we learn the better our thought become because now they can become clear hypothesis instead of a bunch of random ideas.
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history."
Reflection:To be a considerate person one must think of others before thinking about themselves. One must also be able to things others would not do for there friends or loved ones. This is a very important things because people will trust you more if you are considerate towards them they might also be willing to help you out when you are having problems. It is always good to help other people in there time of need.
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commitment to yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success.
"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."
Reflection: Commitment is the important because if you commit yourself to a goal then you are saying that you will follow through with that goal all the way to the end. It also shows us that a person is really into something if they are giving up there own personal time to achieve this goal. This is a important thing because many people in the real world don't have this they just do what they want when they want and that is why some people fail to achieve there goals. There are many things that a person can achieve if they commit to what they want to achieve.
"The fear of failure is the greatest reason for failure in life."
Reflection: Courage is a important thing in our life's as it is what helps us to not be afraid of the things that exist in life. It helps us to make sure that we can accomplish everything we want to succeed in. It is also what helps us make so many choices in our day to day activities since it guides us to do things we may not want to do. Those things that we don't want to do can affect our life because it could change our prospective of everything we do on a daily bases. This single thing is what guides us in life to try new and interesting things that we may have thought were the worst things be it food or activities.
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."
Reflection:Confidence is what helps us do things we may think are the worst things to do. It the key factor that pushes us to do things that are out of our comfort zone. It is what many people lack and those are the people who willingly accept what they are given. Those select people who have confidence are not afraid to speak there mind on things that may seem unjust or just simply bad. These are the type of people who command over large groups of people with no confidence and at times they don't have the same opinion as many other people but because others wont stand up for themselves they just let it continue. Confidence is the most important things to have because it can either limit the actions we do are it can give us an infinite amount of actions that we want to follow not what someone else has planned for us. That is something many people want which is the control on there own life's which doesn't happen often because of lack of confidence.
Reflection:All of the personal keys to power can benefit someone like me because they can help me to better my self in every aspect be it academic or personal. It also would help to motivate me as a person and to help me out in life to be more competitive. All of these keys can help me improve the way I complete my life planning goals by giving me that extra push.They also help me to better my self and to improve on my life and to make it better and an easier life to live. They would help me push myself and everyone else in my life to do better and to be a better person that can function properly in this world.
Monday, January 25, 2016
The 7 habits of Highly Effective People
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
By:Stephen R. Covey
By:Stephen R. Covey
Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says"I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude.I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."
Reflection: To be proactive is to be cool, calm and think things through. It is also a person who can take a lot of mental stress and still come out on top and someone who knows what they want and is willing to work to that goal. It is also someone who will not falter when things go wrong but will continue to work to make things better than they are at the moment in time.It is also a seen in a person who will work hard for what he need or wants in life.Many people in this world want to be proactive but are instead reactive because with even the smallest amount of pressure they explode.
Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will"(Jack Welch)
Reflection: To begin with the end in mind means that before you make any decisions that may affect your future , think about what effect it could at the end not of the effects from the beginning or the middle but with the end result. This is a good habit to pick up because most people commit the error of only seeing the initial benefit of there future action instead of the most likely ending to the future action that he or she is going to do. Most people that keep this habit in mind will always see every action that they will do in to different ways one they start with the end and then they move to the start. It is an excellent habit to pick up since you can see if a plan that you already have in mind will work or if it will fail and you can scrape the ideas that have a terrible end before you waste time thinking about the entire plan.
Habit 3: Put first things first
"Organize and execute around priorities."
Reflection: This is saying to put things that are more important than other things on the front of your to do list. It is also referring to the habits themselves because certain habits must go first in order so that the other habits can work properly.With this habit in mind items of priority will now be more clear for you to see and you can accomplish all of your goals.To put things first one must be able to know what they need to accomplish now and want can be accomplished at a later date.
Habit 4:Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."
Reflection:This habit is important because many people don't think like that they just do they don't think about the side effects that one action can cause. What this habit is saying is to not only think about the short term success but to think about the short and long term success. This is what many people now a days don't think about the long term affects which is what ends up making there life a little worse that it should be.
Habit 5:Seek Fist to Understand then to be understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."
Reflection: This habits is telling us that we must understand what we are doing first before we can be understood. It is also saying that before a person can understand you, you have to understand them first.You can't rush into things without knowing what it is that you are doing then you can be understood by other people who share the same interest as you.
Habit 6:Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
Reflection:To synergize is to be able to find new solutions to old problems. It is also a habit that is does not happen on its own but with teamwork and with everybody solving the problems together. It is a great habit to have because you can get more things done with two people than you can just by yourself. It is also the idea that not just one single person can do everything that all tasks are done better when there are a multitude of people working together.
Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will"(Jack Welch)
Reflection: To begin with the end in mind means that before you make any decisions that may affect your future , think about what effect it could at the end not of the effects from the beginning or the middle but with the end result. This is a good habit to pick up because most people commit the error of only seeing the initial benefit of there future action instead of the most likely ending to the future action that he or she is going to do. Most people that keep this habit in mind will always see every action that they will do in to different ways one they start with the end and then they move to the start. It is an excellent habit to pick up since you can see if a plan that you already have in mind will work or if it will fail and you can scrape the ideas that have a terrible end before you waste time thinking about the entire plan.
Habit 3: Put first things first
"Organize and execute around priorities."
Reflection: This is saying to put things that are more important than other things on the front of your to do list. It is also referring to the habits themselves because certain habits must go first in order so that the other habits can work properly.With this habit in mind items of priority will now be more clear for you to see and you can accomplish all of your goals.To put things first one must be able to know what they need to accomplish now and want can be accomplished at a later date.
Habit 4:Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."
Reflection:This habit is important because many people don't think like that they just do they don't think about the side effects that one action can cause. What this habit is saying is to not only think about the short term success but to think about the short and long term success. This is what many people now a days don't think about the long term affects which is what ends up making there life a little worse that it should be.
Habit 5:Seek Fist to Understand then to be understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."
Reflection: This habits is telling us that we must understand what we are doing first before we can be understood. It is also saying that before a person can understand you, you have to understand them first.You can't rush into things without knowing what it is that you are doing then you can be understood by other people who share the same interest as you.
Habit 6:Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
Reflection:To synergize is to be able to find new solutions to old problems. It is also a habit that is does not happen on its own but with teamwork and with everybody solving the problems together. It is a great habit to have because you can get more things done with two people than you can just by yourself. It is also the idea that not just one single person can do everything that all tasks are done better when there are a multitude of people working together.
Habit 7:Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal:Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional
Reflection:This is saying to always be on the top of your game to never let your self rust or decay to always stay ready for a moments notice.It is stating that as long as you keep yourself sharpened be it physically or mentally you are gonna be fine in life because you will always be prepared for the twist and turns in life.
Reflection:I am willing to try the majority of the seven habits mainly because the habits I am planing on doing do not go against what I believe but the one I will not do are because I believe I can't do them or they go against my own believes.The only exception to this is habit seven since I am willing to do everything except sharping the spiritual aspect of myself. But the ones that I am planing on trying out are mainly going to be done here in school or at home some may even be tried out in public but at a later date since I have confidence issues. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016
Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
Technique 1.Don't criticize people.
Reflection: It is a bad thing to criticize people who you do not personally know for you could be wrong the entire time. It is one of the worst things to do because you don't know if you are right or wrong you just do it because you can and the way you criticize people may make them feel unwanted and they could fall into depression just because you were insensitive. It is also the worst feeling when you are being criticized because you may know that some of the things they are saying are false but you don't want to say anything.
Quote:"If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive."
Technique 2.Give honest and sincere appreciation
Reflection: To give honest and sincere appreciation is like showing someone that you honestly listen to them when they talk and that they are important enough for you to be honest and sincere with instead of trying to come up with lies to not hurt them. It is also a great feeling when someone is being honest and sincere with you because it show that you matter to them. But you have to know when it is time to be honest and sincere because there are times when a person need you to lie to them even if they don't say it to your face. This is important to keep in mind because what you can say might hurt them more than just a simple white lie and at times it is the best to just tell a simple white lie so that the people that you are close with won't be hurt by what you say.
Quote:"The big secret in dealing with people."
Technique 3:Arouse in the other person an eager want.
Reflection: Using this technique you have to be a really well trained person because it takes knowing what the person want and how to put it in a way they can understand what you are trying to say. It is also a great thing because you can use it to benefit not only the person you are dealing with but yourself as well.
Quote:"He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot. walks a lonely way."
Final Reflection: These techniques are a good way to learn how to handle a person. It is also a good way to learn how not to mess up when you are talking with a person you want to get to know or don't want to lose a friend. It is also important to know this so you don't make errors when trying to handle talking to people. I will use these techniques in my everyday life from now on because they can be used for a huge variety of real world applications.
Quote:"If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive."
Technique 2.Give honest and sincere appreciation
Reflection: To give honest and sincere appreciation is like showing someone that you honestly listen to them when they talk and that they are important enough for you to be honest and sincere with instead of trying to come up with lies to not hurt them. It is also a great feeling when someone is being honest and sincere with you because it show that you matter to them. But you have to know when it is time to be honest and sincere because there are times when a person need you to lie to them even if they don't say it to your face. This is important to keep in mind because what you can say might hurt them more than just a simple white lie and at times it is the best to just tell a simple white lie so that the people that you are close with won't be hurt by what you say.
Quote:"The big secret in dealing with people."
Technique 3:Arouse in the other person an eager want.
Reflection: Using this technique you have to be a really well trained person because it takes knowing what the person want and how to put it in a way they can understand what you are trying to say. It is also a great thing because you can use it to benefit not only the person you are dealing with but yourself as well.
Quote:"He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot. walks a lonely way."
Final Reflection: These techniques are a good way to learn how to handle a person. It is also a good way to learn how not to mess up when you are talking with a person you want to get to know or don't want to lose a friend. It is also important to know this so you don't make errors when trying to handle talking to people. I will use these techniques in my everyday life from now on because they can be used for a huge variety of real world applications.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
School Break Days
This winter break I only did a handful of things since my family didn't have the money to do anything extravagant for the holidays. The things I did where go and watch the new Star Wars movie with my friends and I also re watched it with my mom. I also stayed at home and played with my brand new Xbox One. The games I played where Star Wars Battlefront, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, and a game by the name of Smite. The majority of the games fall under the category of FPS which stands for First Person Shooters, now the last game Smite falls under a category of games called MOBAs which stands for multiplayer online battle arena they are also called ARTS which stands for action real-time strategy. In these games you control a single unit on one side of a team. I only met a few people on my break but none that are worth mentioning. The big movie I watched over my break was the new Star Wars movie which in my opinion is one of the best movies I had watched in all of 2015 the story was all around good but it did leave the audience with many questions unanswered, but overall it was a great movie and way better than the prequels. That is all I did in my winter break.
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